This is Water-David Foster Wallace from alexander correll on Vimeo.
Write a reflective blog entry in response to the video. What did you like? What struck you as especially clever, or insightful? Were there certain images or images w/ audio segments that linked up in ways that entertained, provoked, or otherwise got you thinking? Describe. Enjoy!
I really enjoyed this video and thought that it was very truthful. I liked that David Foster Wallace was not trying to be insightful but simply just getting his point across. I related to this video because I feel like I find myself in public judging people all the time...EVERYBODY does it! I never really thought about what that person could be going through or the problems they could be facing. It really is worth the effort to learn how to think and pay attention rather than letting yourself be frustrated about the petty things. It really doesn't seem that difficult but so many people are just caught up in themselves it is sometimes hard to realize that everyone has their own issues and is going through something. Whether is it worse or not from you is not your decision though!